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Po roku biliardové Slovensko opäť privíta prestížny turnaj najlepších hráčov východnej Európy. Slovenský biliardový zväz preplatí 50% štartovného hráčom na 1. až 20.mieste (v prípade neúčasti niektorého hráča sa poradie posunie na ďalších v rebríčku) aktuálneho rebríčka mužov a hráčom do 23 rokov.
(z dôvodu epidemiologických opatrení budú zavedené hygienické opatrenia)
Dátum : 15.- 16.08.2020 sobota a nedeľa (sobota skupiny – nedeľa 1KO systém)
Miesto akcie: GALAXIA
821 04 Bratysława, ul. Studena 4B ( Shopping Centre STYLA, entrance A, 3.posch ).
Stoly – plátna – gule : 10 x Dynamic 9 ft + Iwan Simonis 860, Aramith Duramith Tournament
Tournament: 9-ball; 1st Stage – Robin Round – matches in groups ,race to 5-7; The best 16-32 players will qualified to the next round. 2nd Stage – last 16 or 32 single elimination, (depending on the number of participants) , race to 7, The tournament is open for all athletes
Registration: on email mak@makmarketing.pl only !!!! . Registration will be close on 10.08. 2020. Limit – max. 80 participants !!!
Dress code: Polo shirt or shirt, one color trousers (no jeans and sport trousers allowed), shoes (no sneakers and sport shoes allowed).
Prize money
1st – place- 1.000 euro, 2nd place- 600 euro, 3-4th place- 350 euro , 5-8thplace- 200 euro .
Entry-fee for :
EEBC members and Partners :
– men athletes – 55€ ( 50€ + 5€ for International Billiard Academy),
– women and pupils athletes ( max. 17 years-old)- 35€ ( 30€ + 5€ for International Billiard Academy).
Others: men – 65 euro, women and pupils – 50 euro, ( 10 euro for IBA). The participants pay the entry fee during the registration.
Tournament director : Marcin Krzemiński Head referee: Alexandru Balas (ROM),
Local director : Samuel Koniar, +421 907 194 669, koniar@sbiz.sk
Sponsors: Dynamic Billiard Organization, Iwan Simonis S.A., Aramith ( Wameter S.A.), Predator.
Three the best players from 2020 ranking will qualified to EEBC team for the AFRI-EAST EURO CUP 2021 !!!
Players will receive ranking points from the following tournaments: Dynamic Billiard Best of the East – Czech Republic,
Dynamic Billiard Best of the East – Poland, Dynamic Billiard Best of the East – Slovakia, Dynamic Billiard Best of the East – Albania, Dynamic Billiard Best of the East – Bulgaria. Ranking points
1 place – 100 points,
2 place – 80 points,
3-4 place – 70 points,
5-8 place – 65 points
9-16 place – 55 points,
17-24 place – 50 points,
25-32 place – 45 points,
33-48 place – 40 points,
49-64 place – 35 points
65- 96 place – 30 points 97 – …. place – 25 points,
The ranking has been published on the Mak Marketing and EEBC websites.
Hotels :
Hotel Remy
Double room from 47 e per room
Distance: 1,2 km
Hotel Prim
Double room from 45 e per room
Distance: 1,4 km
Hotel Plus
Double room from 48 e per room
Distance: 2 km
Hotel Kotva
Double room from 63 e per room
Distance 1,8 km